Dr. Darryl Romanow


Dr. Darryl S. Romanow

Assistant Professor of Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences

Office W-2237
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Email Address


Dr. Darryl Romanow earned his Ph.D. in information systems from Georgia State University in 2013. His main research area is in the domain of health information systems and his research interests cover adoption and diffusion of IT, implementation strategy, IT-enabled chronic patient care, and clinical group level coordination. He has served as an associate editor for the International Conference of Information Systems Healthcare track and as assistant managing editor of MIS Quarterly.

Prior to joining academia, he held a number of senior management positions over a 20 year span at multinational firms such as Baxter International, Novartis, John Deere and Panasonic. His roles frequently leveraged technology integration, supply chain innovation, as well as ERP software selection and implementation. His overarching teaching philosophy is predominately informed by his first-hand experience with technology use in organizations.


  • Doctorate – information systems – Georgia State University
  • Master's – business administration – Georgia State University
  • Bachelor's – business administration – Wilfrid Laurier University


  • Romanow, D., Cline, M. K., & Napier, N. P. (2024). A Response to COVID: From Traditional to Remote Learning Using a Flipped Classroom Pedagogy and Its Impact on BI Skills Attainment. Journal of Information Systems Education, 35(1), 99-111.
  • Romanow, D., Napier, N. P., & Cline, M. K. (2020). Using Active Learning, Group Formation, and Discussion to Increase Student Learning: A Business Intelligence Skills Analysis. Journal of Information Systems Education, 31(3), 218-231.
  • Romanow, Darryl; Rai, Arun; and Keil, Mark. 2018. "CPOE-Enabled Coordination: Appropriation for Deep Structure Use and Impacts on Patient Outcomes," MIS Quarterly, (42: 1) pp.189-212.
  • Romanow, D., Rai, A., Keil, M., & Luxenberg MD, S. (2017). Does extended CPOE use reduce patient length of stay? International Journal of Medical Informatics, 97, 128-138.
  • Romanow, D.S., Cho, S., & Straub, D.W. (2012). Editors Comments: Riding the Wave Past Trends and Future Directions for Health IT Research. Management Information Systems Quarterly, 36(3), iii-x.
  • Romanow, D., Mathiassen, L., Landers, G, & Parker, Chris. (2011). Development of IT-enabled Chronic Care Management for the Medically Underserved: A Contextualist Framework. Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application, 12(4), 27-49. 


  • Romanow, Darryl S., "The Impact of IT-Enabled and Team Relational Coordination on Patient Satisfaction." Dissertation, Georgia State University, 2013.

Conference Presentations

  • IT enabled Coordination Enactment of Interdependent Clinical Processes, 2023 GGC Research, Teaching and Learning Symposium, January 11-12, 2023.
  • A Flipped Classroom Approach to COVID: An Analysis of Business Intelligence Skills Attainment, 2023 GGC Research, Teaching and Learning Symposium, January 12-13, 2022.
  • Enhancing college students' academic success through reflective writing in a flipped Introduction to Economics course, GGC Teaching, Learning and Research Colloquium January 14, 2021.
  • Romanow, D., Marley, K., & Drake, M. (2016, November). Impact of Additive Manufacturing on Supply Chains.2016. Decision Sciences Institute Conference, Austin, Texas.