Hsi-Ling Huang

Dr. Hsi-Ling Huang
Associate Professor of English
As a bilingual writer originally from Taiwan, Dr. Hsi-Ling Huang received her M.F.A. in creative writing from Bowling Green State University where she won the Richard Devine Memorial Fiction Award. She earned her Ph.D. in English with emphasis in creative writing from Florida State University. Her fields include creative writing – fiction, Asian American literature and women’s literature. She has had publications in both Chinese since 1992 and in English since 1999. Her work in English can be found in Kalliope, Whalelane, Blackwater Review, Jabberwock Review, So to Speak, and Yellow as Turmeric, Fragrant as Cloves: A Contemporary Anthology of Asian American Women’s Poetry. Her work in Chinese can be found in World Journal, Taiwan News, Liberty Times, Youth Daily News, People’s Daily News and Taiwan Daily News.
- Doctorate – English-creative writing – Florida State University
- Master’s – M.F.A. in creative writing, fiction – Bowling Green State University
- Bachelor’s – English – Soochow University-Taiwan
Academic Interests
- Creative writing
- Asian American literature
- Women's literature
- Nominee, Excellence in Service Award, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009
- Nominee, Excellence in Scholarship and Creativity Award, Georgia Gwinnett College, 2009
- Nominee, the Georgia Consortium for International Studies Faculty Internationalization Award, Albany State University
- Nominee, Who's Who Among America's Teachers