Tashana Howse
Dr. Tashana D. Howse
Professor of Mathematics Education
Dr. Tashana D. Howse is a professor of mathematics education at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC). She has mathematical teaching experience ranging from classroom public education to developing the teachers of tomorrow through preservice teacher education courses. Howse teaches preservice teachers and supervises elementary and secondary interns. Her research interests include culturally responsive teaching, student engagement in mathematical practices, the use of technology to enhance learning and teacher content knowledge.
Howse received both a bachelor and master of science in mathematics education from Florida State University. She completed her doctor of philosophy degree in mathematics education from the University of Central Florida.
- Doctorate – mathematics education – University of Central Florida
- Master's – mathematics education – Florida State University
- Bachelor's – mathematics education – Florida State University
Academic Interests
- Culturally responsive teaching
- Student engagement in mathematical practices
- Technology use to enhance learning
- Teacher content knowledge
- Onodipe, G., Savage, J.C., Ayuninjam, G., Robbins, M., Mallia, A., Harmon, H., Howse, T., Shellman, C., & Cottrell-Yongye, A. (2020). Growth of pedagogical practice in flipped classroom through the benefit of an active multidisciplinary FLC. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. IJ-SoTL, 14 (2), 2.
- Hogan-Chapman, A., Lewis, B., Cooper, R., Howse, T., Warren, L. (2017). Using culturally responsive simulation activities to prepare teachers. National Teacher Education Journal 10 (1), 67-74.
- Hogan-Chapman, A., Warren, L., Cooper, R., Howse, T., Lewis, B. (2017). Training preservice teacher candidates to be culturally responsive: Co-teaching and experiential learning. GATEways to Teacher Education 28(1), 44-49.
- Dixon, J. K., Andreason, J. B., Avila, C. L., Bawatneh, Z., Deichert, D. L., Howse, T., & Sotillo-Turner, M. (2014). Redefining the whole: Common errors in elementary preservice teachers’ self-authored word problems for subtraction. Research Council on Mathematics Learning 7(1), 1-22
- Howse, T. & Howse, M. (2014/2015). Linking Van Hiele theory to instruction. Teaching Children Mathematics 76 (5), 304-313.
- 2015: Obtained continuing contract at Daytona State College
- 2014: STEM Women of Color Conclave Travel Award
- 2012: Recipient of Infinite Possibilities Conference Scholarship
- 2013: Grantee of the Writing across the Curriculum/Writing in the Disciplines (WAC/WID) Professional Development at Daytona State College
- 2010: Inducted into Holmes Scholar Program
- 2008: Recipient of a McKnight Doctoral Fellowship