Dr. Marie Firestone


Dr. Marie Firestone, CRA

Associate Director for Research and Sponsored Programs

Office B-3045
Office phone 678.407.5074
Email Address


Dr. Firestone is the associate director in the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs. Prior to this position, she served as the assistant director in GGC’s Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations. Firestone also held the position of director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and the director of Continuing Education with Atlanta Metropolitan College. In these two positions, she wrote federal, state and local grants and co-wrote grants with community partners on behalf of Atlanta Metropolitan College. The grants were to provide GED classes, computer proficiency training and job placement, leadership conferences, a pre-engineering technology bridge program, English-as-a-Second-Language community program, SAT preparation classes, elderly and disabled services and family homeownership programs.    She has served as a project officer for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Division of Adolescent & School Health where she managed the funded programs of seven state and local departments of education. Firestone has served as a field reader for the U.S. Department of Education. She has taught basic grant writing classes at Atlanta Metropolitan College. She has published articles in the Journal of Comparative Family Studies and the Philippines Population Journal. Her works have been cited in the Journal of Comparative Family Studies and in Population and Environment.  


  • Doctorate – sociology of the family – Virginia Polytechnic and State University


  • Certified Research Administrator
  • GGC Top Claw Award recipient