File a Complaint
If you have knowledge of or believe you have experienced discrimination, harassment or retaliation that is prohibited under GGC’s Non-Discrimination Anti-Harassment Policy, please submit the complaint to Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance at 678.407.5085 or TitleIX@ggc.edu or by completing and submitting the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance complaint form. Anonymous complaints may be reported through the Compliance, Ethics and Reporting Hotline at 817.516.3433. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Similarly, if you have knowledge of or believe a student has engaged in sexual misconduct that is prohibited by the student sexual misconduct policy, please submit the complaint to Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance at 678.407.5085 or @email or by completing the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance complaint form.
Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance will promptly respond to all reports and complaints of discrimination, harassment or retaliation and appropriate action will be taken as expeditiously as possible. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, care will be taken to protect the complainant’s identity, when requested. Complaints can also be made anonymously, but this may limit the extent to which the complaint can be investigated.
A description of the Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance’s investigation, resolution and appeal procedures is contained in the NDAH policy, the student sexual misconduct policy, and USG Board of Regents' Policy 4.6.5 Standards for Institutional Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Procedures.
Inquiries concerning the application of Title IX and complaints may also be made directly to:
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
Phone: 800.421.3481
Email: @email
You may also fill out a complaint form with OCR online.
Responsible Employees
GGC faculty, instructors, administrators, supervisors, other responsible employees, and all persons in positions of authority, even if they are also students (e.g., residential assistants, teaching assistants, student managers), must report to Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance any complaints they receive or knowledge they possess (whether direct or indirect) of any discrimination or harassment that is prohibited under the NDAH Policy and the student sexual misconduct policy. Failure to make a report by a person in a position of authority is a separate violation of the NDAH Policy and the student sexual misconduct policy.