Every four-year degree offered at GGC includes general education or core curriculum that impacts your academic, personal and professional growth.

Your academic journey through core classes benefits you in multiple ways by helping you …

  • Persist in earning a four-year degree
  • Graduate faster
  • Enter careers prepared to prosper
  • Transfer course credits seamlessly throughout University System of Georgia institutions


Core IMPACTS consists of seven core curriculum domains (previously identified as areas A-E). Each Core IMPACTS domain is designed around a specific orienting question (goal or topic), learning outcomes and career-ready competencies.

Core IMPACTS = Institutional priority; Mathematics and quantitative skills; Political science and U.S. history; Arts, humanities and ethics; Communicating in writing; Technology, mathematics and sciences; Social sciences

    Navigate the world – Institutional priority domain

    Orienting question: How does my institution help me to navigate the world?

    Learning outcome: Students will demonstrate the ability to think critically and solve problems related to academic priorities at their institution.

    Career-ready competencies: Critical thinking, teamwork and time management

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area B


    ITEC 1001

    Measure the world – Mathematics and quantitative skills domain

    Orienting question: How do I measure the world?

    Learning outcome: Students will apply mathematical and computational knowledge to interpret, evaluate and communicate quantitative information using verbal, numerical, graphical or symbolic forms.

    Career-ready competencies: Information literacy, inquiry and analysis, and problem-solving

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area A


    MATH 1001
    MATH 1101
    MATH 1111
    MATH 1401
    MATH 1113
    MATH 2000

    Become an engaged citizen – Political science and U.S. history domain

    Orienting question: How do I prepare for my responsibilities as an engaged citizen?

    Learning outcome: Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the United States, the history of Georgia, and the provisions and principles of the United States Constitution and the Constitution of Georgia.

    Career-ready competencies: Critical thinking, intercultural competence and persuasion

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area E


    HIST 2111
    HIST 2112
    POLS 1101

    Creatively interpret human experiences – Arts, humanities and ethics domain

    Orienting question: How do I interpret the human experience through creative, linguistic, and philosophical works?

    Learning outcome: Students will effectively analyze and interpret the meaning, cultural significance and ethical implications of literary/philosophical texts or of works in the visual/performing arts.

    Career-ready competencies: Ethical reasoning, information literacy and intercultural competence

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area C


    ARTS 1100
    CHIN 1002
    CHIN 2001
    CHIN 2002
    ENGL 2111
    ENGL 2112
    ENGL 2121
    ENGL 2122
    ENGL 2131
    ENGL 2132
    FILM 1005
    FREN 1002
    FREN 2001
    FREN 2002
    GEOG 1101
    MUSC 1100
    PHIL 2010
    RELN 1100
    SPAN 1002
    SPAN 2001
    SPAN 2002
    THEA 1100

    Effectively write in different contexts – Communicating in writing domain

    Orienting question: How do I write effectively in different contexts?

    Learning outcome: 1) Students will communicate effectively in writing, demonstrating clear organization and structure, using appropriate grammar and writing conventions. 2) Students will appropriately acknowledge the use of materials from original sources. 3) Students will adapt their written communications to purpose and audience. 4) Students will analyze and draw informed inferences from written texts.

    Career-ready competencies: Critical thinking, information literacy and persuasion

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area A


    ENGL 1101
    ENGL 1102

    Question and understand the universe – Technology, mathematics and sciences domain

    Orienting question: How do I ask scientific questions or use data, mathematics, or technology to understand the universe?

    Learning outcome: Students will use the scientific method and laboratory procedures or mathematical and computational methods to analyze data, solve problems and explain natural phenomena.

    Career-ready competencies: Inquiry and analysis, problem-solving and teamwork

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area D


    BIOL 1101K
    BIOL 1102
    CHEM 1151K
    CHEM 1152K
    CHEM 1211K
    CHEM 1212K
    ITEC 2110
    ITEC 2120
    PSCI 1101K
    PSCI 1102

    Understand human connections – Social science domain

    Orienting question: How do I understand human experiences and connections?Orienting question: How do I understand human experiences and connections?

    Learning outcome: Students will effectively analyze the complexity of human behavior, and how historical, economic, political, social or geographic relationships develop, persist or change.

    Career-ready competencies: Intercultural competence, perspective-taking and persuasion

    Pre-2024 alphabetical designation: Area E


    ANTH 1102
    ECON 2100
    HIST 1111
    HIST 1112
    HIST 1121
    HIST 1122
    PSYC 1102
    SOCI 1101

    Core IMPACTS: Program Plans Core IMPACTS: Academic Maps Academic Department Contacts

    See also Core IMPACTS table on the Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) website and Core IMPACTS on USG's website.