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To view entries prior to Dec. 13, 2022, please stop by the Public Safety office in Building D during business hours.

Case# Status Date Reported Time Reported Date/Time Occurred Location Description
2300181 Student Conduct Referral 04-22-2023 4:12 am Building 2000, Student Housing Police responded to a non student non resident trespassing.
2300178 Student Conduct Referral 04-21-2023 4:52 pm - Building E, Student Center Police responded to a verbal dispute between students.
2300171 Unfounded 04-20-2023 8:19 am - Building 3000, Student Housing Police respond to a student reporting a theft.
2300168 Closed 04-19-2023 5:50 pm Building H, Allied Health and Sciences Police respond to a student reporting a theft.
2300167 Inactive (Suspended) 04-19-2023 4:41 am - Building 3000, Student Housing Police responded to Criminal Trespass Damage.
2300165 Student Conduct Referral 04-18-2023 5:38 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Police responded to room-mate dispute.
2300157 Student Conduct Referral 04-14-2023 10:12 am Building B Police responded to two students involved in an altercation.
2300156 Student Conduct Referral 04-13-2023 3:20 pm Building 3000, Student Housing Police responded to a smoking violation.
2300155 Unfounded 04-13-2023 3:15 pm - Building L, Kaufman Library Police respond to a student reporting a theft.
2300154 Inactive (Suspended) 04-12-2023 12:56 pm - Building A Police responded to criminal damage to property.