Report an emergency.

The safety and security of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is always the top priority at Georgia Gwinnett College.

Safety is a team effort. If you see something, say something. Report crimes, suspicious behavior and safety concerns to Public Safety: 678.407.5333.

Contact and Resources

Emergency contact information and phone numbers for other campus resources.

    GGC Contacts and Resources

    Public Safety678.407.5333
    Campus Police direct line for hearing impaired (TTY)678.433.6611
    Counseling and Psychological Services678.407.5592
    Facilities / maintenance routine work order678.407.5900
    Health Services678.407.5675
    Classroom technology helpdesk (IT Services)678.407.5555
    Technology helpdesk678.407.5611

    State/Federal Agencies

    Resource Phone
    Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 404.679.9000
    Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) 404.244.2600
    Georgia Crisis and Access Line 800.715.4225
    Georgia Drug Abuse Helpline 800.338.6745
    Georgia Emergency Management Agency 800.879.4362
    GBI Sex Offender Registry  
    Georgia State Patrol 404.657.9300
    Human Trafficking Notice: Georgia Bureau of Investigation  

    Hotlines and Other Resources

    Resource Phone
    Domestic Violence Hotline 800.334.2836
    Georgia Crisis and Access Line 800.715.4225
    Georgia Drug Abuse Helpline 800.338.6745
    National Child Abuse Hotline 800.422.4453
    National Suicide Hotline 800.273.8255
    Poison Control Center 404.616.9000
    Rape Crisis Hotline 770.476.7407
    Suicide Helpline 800.784.2433
    Wireless Amber Alerts  

    University System of Georgia Campus Police Departments

    Learn more about campus police departments throughout the University System of Georgia, and find contact information and resources for each campus.

    In an Emergency

    Plan ahead, and review the following procedures so you are ready to respond effectively during an emergency.

      Active shooter / threat

      Immediate Actions

      • Have an escape route and plan in mind.
      • Leave your belongings behind.
      • Help others escape, if possible.
      • Evacuate (only if safe) regardless of whether others agree to follow.
      • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be present.
      • Keep your hands visible.
      • Follow the instructions of any police officer(s). 
      • If you cannot leave, find a place to hide and secure the door.
      • If the door will not lock, barricade it with chairs, desks and other materials.
      • Turn off lights, televisions, radios and computer screens.
      • Be calm and quiet and account for students and employees.
      • Call Public Safety at 678.407.5333 or 911. If you cannot speak, leave the line open to so the dispatcher can listen.
      • Ignore any fire alarm bells. 
      • As a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter.
      • Act as aggressively as possible against him/her.
      • Throw items and improvise on weapons.
      • Yell and scream.
      • Commit to your actions.

      Aircraft crash or explosion

      Immediate Actions

      • Immediately take cover under tables, desks, and other objects which will give protection against flying or falling glass, debris and a possible fire ball or fire storm from ruptured fuel tanks. 
      • After the effects of the explosion and/or fire have subsided, dial 911 or the Office of Public Safety 678.407.5333. Give your name and describe the location and nature of the emergency. 
      • If necessary, or when directed to do so, activate the building fire alarm. 
      • When the building evacuation alarm is sounded or when told to leave by campus officials, walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same. 
      • Assist people with disabilities exiting the building. 
      • Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of being killed by a subsequent fire, building collapse or other event. 
      • Once outside move to your building assembly area that is at least 300 feet away from the affected building. Keep streets and walkways clear for emergency vehicles and crews. 
      • If requested, assist the emergency crews. 
      • Re-enter the building only when advised by emergency personnel.

      Bomb Threat

      Immediate Actions

      • Remain calm and immediately refer to the questions below. If applicable, pay attention to your telephone display and record the information shown in the display window. 
      • Questions to ask the caller:
        • When is the bomb going to explode?
        • Where is the bomb located right now?
        • What does it look like?
        • What kind of bomb is it?
        • What will cause it to explode?
        • Did you place the bomb personally? Why?
        • What is your name?
        • What is your address?
        • What is your phone number?
      • DO NOT activate any fire alarms. 
      • The objective is to keep the caller on the line as long as possible to attempt to gather as much information as possible. Try not to anger the caller at any time. 
      • While engaging the caller, pay attention to any background noise and distinctive sounds (machinery, traffic, other voices, music, television, etc.).
      • Note any characteristics of the caller’s voice (gender, age, education, accent, etc.). 
      • Attempt to obtain information on the location of a device (building, floor, room, etc.). 
      • Attempt to obtain information on the time of detonation and type of detonator. 
      • Immediately after the caller has ended the call, notify the Public Safety at 678.407.5333 or dial 911. 
      • If the threat were left on your voice mail, do not erase. 
      • Notify the immediate supervisor within your work area.

      Evacuation Decision

      Campus police have the primary response mission. Once the threat is reported, the decision to evacuate a building shall be made after a thorough evaluation of the information available, including but not limited to the following:

      • The nature of the threat. 
      • The specificity of location and time of detonation. 
      • Circumstances related to the threat (i.e. political climate, series of events leading to the threat, etc.). 
      • Discovery of a device or unusual package, luggage, etc.

      Demonstration / protest

      Immediate Actions

      • Notify Public Safety immediately at 678.407.5333. 
      • Do not attempt to negotiate with the crowd unless directed by Public Safety. 
      • Avoid becoming involved or otherwise inciting the demonstration by your actions. 
      • Log off computers and secure all sensitive information if the demonstration is near your work area. 
      • Stay away from any windows or glass doors between you and the demonstration. 
      • Evacuate the area as directed by Public Safety.

      Early warning system

      For critical communications, GGC uses an early notification system that includes rapid text, email, and voice alert, a siren system, as well as website and social media postings, to communicate effectively and quickly when necessary. Each listed method of communication may be used by itself or in conjunction with any of the other listed communications, depending on the situation.

      Alert Notification Applications

      Please review Safety and Emergency Communications.

      Siren System

      The outdoor emergency notification siren is the quickest way to inform the campus community about an imminent, life-threatening emergency. Although the siren may be heard in some buildings, it is intended to alert personnel outside.

      Website Notifications

      The GGC website has the capability to swap to a “Bulletin” or “Emergency Communication” format, where the slideshow on the homepage displays detailed information about alerts. Website notifications supplement other, more direct means of communication, such as fire alarms and sirens, and alert messaging.

      Social Media

      GGC uses its Facebook and Twitter pages as an additional outlet for communicating with community members. Like the GGC website, these social media posts supplement more direct means of communication.


      Immediate Actions

      If You are INDOORS
      • Get under a desk, table, or supported doorway. 
      • Stay away from glass windows, shelves, and heavy equipment. 
      • Immediately evacuate the building when the earthquake is over and go to building assembly area. 
      • Notify first responders of any injured/trapped inside building. 
      • Assist the building manager in accounting for occupants. 
      • Assist injured persons. 
      If You are OUTDOORS
      • Stay in the open, away from structures, until shaking subsides. 
      • Beware of fires, downed utility lines, and aftershocks. 
      • Assist with evacuation of the buildings if requested by first responders.
      If You are DRIVING
      • Pull to the side of the road, and stop away from buildings, trees, overpasses. 
      • Avoid utility lines or other objects that may fall. 
      • Set brakes and turn off the ignition. 
      • Stay in the vehicle until the earthquake is over

      Emergency procedures – disabilities

      Your co-workers may need assistance evacuating in the event of an emergency. This could be the result of a permanent disability, such as arthritis or asthma, or a temporary disability, such as a broken leg or pregnancy.

      If you have an impairment, arrange for volunteers (co-workers) to alert you and assist you in an emergency. That is, develop a “buddy plan.” Once accomplished, alert your building manager of your buddy plan.

      Evacuation of Disabled Persons

      • Evacuate people with disabilities, if possible. 
      • Do not use elevators, unless authorized to do so by police or fire personnel. Elevators could fail during a fire or a major earthquake. Do not use elevators if there is a fire or the fire alarm is sounding. 
      • If the situation is life threatening, call 911 or 678.407.5333 from a campus phone or 678.407.5333 from a cellular phone. 
      • Attempt a rescue evacuation ONLY if you have had rescue training or the person is in immediate danger and cannot wait for professional assistance. 
      • Always ASK someone with a disability how you can help BEFORE attempting any rescue technique or giving assistance. Ask how he or she can best be assisted or moved, and whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.

      Responses to Emergency Situations

      Visually Impaired

      (Bomb Threat, Earthquake, Fire, Hazardous Materials Releases, and Power Outages) 

      • Give verbal instructions to advise about the safest route or direction using compass directions, estimated distances and directional terms.
      • DO NOT grasp a visually impaired person’s arm. Ask if he or she would like to hold onto your arm as you exit, especially if there is debris or a crowd. 
      • Give other verbal instructions or information (i.e., elevators cannot be used).
      Hearing Impaired

      (Bomb Threat, Earthquake, Fire, Hazardous Materials Releases, and Power Outages) 

      • Get the attention of a person with a hearing disability by touch and eye contact. Clearly state the problem. Gestures and pointing are helpful, but be prepared to write a brief statement if the person does not seem to understand. 
      • Offer visual instructions to provide advice for safest route or direction by pointing toward exits or evacuation maps.
      Bomb Threat, Earthquake, Fire and Hazardous Materials Releases
      • It may be necessary to help clear the exit route of debris (if possible) so that the person with a disability can move to a safer area. 
      • If people with mobility impairments cannot exit, they should move to a safer area, e.g., most enclosed stairwells or an office with the door shut which is a good distance from the hazard (and away from falling debris in the case of earthquakes). 
      • Notify police or fire personnel immediately about any people remaining in the building and their locations. 
      • First responders will determine if people are safe where they are and will evacuate them as necessary. The Fire Department may determine that it is safe to override the guidance against using elevators. 
      • If people are in immediate danger and cannot be moved to a safer area to wait for assistance, it may be necessary to evacuate them using an evacuation chair or a carry technique.


      Immediate Actions

      • If time permits and it is safe to do so, gather your belongings. 
      • Proceed to the nearest exit. 
      • Close doors as you exit. DO NOT lock doors. 
      • Alert others while exiting. 
      • Help others who need assistance to move to a safe area. 
      • Do not use elevators. 
      • Meet the building manager and assist with accountability at the building assembly area. 
      • Re-enter the building only when advised by emergency personnel.


      Immediate Actions 

      • Activate the nearest fire alarm and call Public Safety at 678.407.5333 or 911. 
      • Knock on doors and yell “Fire” as you exit the building. 
      • Evacuate the building. 
      • Help others who need assistance to move to a safe area. 
      • Do not use elevators. 
      • Close doors as you leave. DO NOT lock doors. 
      • If you must open a door to exit, feel the door with the back of your hand. Do not open if door is hot. 
      • Once outside, get far away from building and report to your designated assembly area. If you do not know your assembly area look for where people are gathering and join them. 
      • Notify emergency response personnel of any persons injured within the building or needing assistance. 
      • Assist the building manager with gaining personnel accountability. 
      • Re-enter the building when advised by emergency personnel. 

      If Trapped in a Building

      • Remain calm. 
      • Call Public Safety at 678.407.5333 or 911 and provide your name, phone number and location. 
      • Open a window and hang a piece of clothing outside to mark your whereabouts for rescue workers. 
      • Stay near the floor, where visibility will be better and the air will be less toxic. 
      • Periodically call out loudly for help so rescue workers can locate you. Move away from flammable liquids, compressed gas cylinders, etc.

      Hazardous materials incident

      Immediate Actions

      • DO NOT attempt to clean up the accident unless you are trained or authorized to do so. 
      • Take immediate steps to clear personnel from the spill or hazard area. 
      • Do not let others enter the area. 
      • Help anyone who requires assistance. 
      • Call Public Safety at 678.407.5333, and follow their instructions. 
      • Typically, the building manager, senior first responder, or Incident Commander will approve a building or area evacuation order. Generally, the evacuation notification will include pulling the fire alarm. 
      • If an evacuation order is given, proceed to the building assembly area for accountability and await instructions. 
      • If the accident occurs outdoors, immediately proceed upwind from the incident location at least 300 feet. 
      • Eye or skin contact: Flush the affected area immediately with running water. If a corrosive material comes in contact with the eyes, seconds count – use any available water source to wash away the contaminant. Have someone call Public Safety at 678.407.5333. Continue rinsing the skin or eyes until help arrives.

      Lockdown procedures

      A campus lockdown is used in response to a violent crime or similar dangerous situation on or near the campus where sheltering in the building may offer the safest course of action.

      GGC uses the terms "hard lockdown" and "soft lockdown" (as does the Gwinnett County Public School System) to indicate procedures for different levels of threat.

      Hard Lockdown

      Active threat on campus.

      Immediate Actions
      • Immediately cease all activity. 
      • If outdoors, depart campus or go into the nearest building and/or proceed to an area that can be secured. 
      • If inside a building, enter the nearest classroom, office or secure space with locking capabilities. 
      • If the door will not lock, barricade it with chairs, desks, and other materials. 
      • Turn off lights, televisions, radios, and computer screens. 
      • Be calm and quiet and account for students and employees. 
      • Ignore any fire alarm bells.

      A campus hard lockdown is used in response to a violent crime or similar dangerous situation on or near the campus where sheltering in the building may offer the safest course of action. Lockdown means that all outer building doors are locked. The main entrance to each building is locked and manned by security, campus police or building managers. Persons who are outside when a lockdown is declared, may leave campus or go to the closest building (main entrance) and seek shelter inside the building. If inside a building, seek shelter in a room, and lock and barricade the door. Do not open the door until the “all clear” is received on the campus emergency messaging system or instructed to do so by recognized police authorities. After a campus lockdown is declared, the campus police department will follow established security protocols, and police officers will immediately respond to mitigate the threat.

      Soft Lockdown

      Active threat near campus or potentially dangerous situation on campus.

      Immediate Actions
      • Building managers will ensure all entrances and exits are secured. Contract guards and public safety will assist. 
      • Personnel evacuated from outside areas will enter the building through the front entrance, or least exposed door. 
      • Activity such as teaching and office work may continue. 
      • Stay away from glass doors and large glass windows. 
      • Be prepared for an escalation in the lockdown status. Know where you will go to be behind a locked door.

      A soft lockdown is similar to the hard lockdown except persons may move about inside the building.

      Medical emergency

      Immediate Actions

      • Immediately notify GGC Public Safety at 678.407.5333 or 911. 
      • Provide the dispatcher with your name, location, number of injured/sick, and a brief description. 
      • Provide first aid to the best of your ability and follow the dispatcher instructions. 
      • Use precautions to prevent your exposure to bodily fluids. 
      • Refrain from moving the patient unless it is absolutely necessary for safety reasons. 
      • Send a person to meet the police officer or EMS personnel to lead them to the patient. 
      • Stay calm and reassure the patient that help is on the way. 
      • Make the patient as comfortable as possible. 
      • If possible, clear the area for emergency responders

      Severe weather


      • Tornado Watch means conditions are favorable for tornadoes to develop, but there is not an imminent threat. Be prepared to seek shelter. 
      • Tornado Warning means a tornado has been detected and an imminent threat to life and property has developed. Seek shelter immediately. 
      • Know the location of your building severe weather shelter areas ahead of time. These are marked with signage.
      Immediate Actions
      • Monitor local weather for updates via TV/radio stations, NOAA weather radio, and or weather related websites. 
      • Be prepared to move to your building severe weather shelter. 
      • If a tornado warning affects GGC, alert others as you move to the severe weather shelter. DO NOT pull the fire alarm to alert others. 
      • Severe weather shelters are ideally on the lowest floor, interior hallways/ rooms, and away from windows and exterior doors. 
      • Be a calm, positive example for others. 
      • Wait for an ALL CLEAR message before departing the severe weather shelter. 
      • If outdoors (with no time to seek shelter indoors), shelter in a ditch or other low-lying area.

      Winter Weather

      Student crisis

      Crisis Situations

      • Stated intention to commit suicide or inflict harm to self. 
      • Stated intention or concerning behavior indicating a threat to harm others.
      Immediate Actions
      1. Call GGC Public Safety at 678.407.5333. 
      2. Call GGC Counseling and Psychological Services at 678.407.5592. 
      3. Call the Dean of Students at 678.407.5662 or cell 678.837.9490. 
      4. Follow up with an online Incident Report.

      Non-emergency Situations

      Student does not pose a threat to self or others, but exhibits disruptive or concerning behavior.

      Immediate Actions
      1. Call the Dean of Students at 678.407.5662 or cell 678.837.9490. 
      2. Follow up with an online Incident Report.

      Grizzly Care Team

      The Grizzly Care Team promotes campus safety and the well-being of students through the identification, assessment, intervention and management of student situations that may pose a threat to the safety and well-being of the campus community and/or the individual student. The Grizzly Care Team develops intervention and support strategies and takes appropriate action to help connect the student to any necessary resources and/or further resolve the situation.

      Suspicious package or letter

      Characteristics of Suspicious Packages

      • Fictitious, unfamiliar or no return address
      • Handwritten or poorly typed address
      • Address to a title only or an incorrect title
      • Mailed from a foreign country
      • Excessive postage
      • Excessive string or tape on package
      • Misspelling of common words
      • Restrictive markings such as “Confidential,” “Personal,” etc.
      • Excessive weight and/or feel of a powdery or foreign substance
      • Discoloration or stains
      • A briefcase, gym bag, suitcase, etc. may be deemed suspicious solely because it is discovered unattended in a public place or near a sensitive facility

      Immediate Actions 

      If you become aware of a suspicious package, take the following actions: 

      • REMAIN CALM. It is important for all of your actions to be careful and deliberate. 
      • Protect yourself and others from an exposure to an unknown material. Do not touch, move or attempt to clean up the unknown material. 
      • Isolate the area and evacuate all personnel from the immediate area. 
      • Contact Public Safety at 678.407.5333 and your supervisor as soon as possible. 
      • Do not use radios or cell phones in the immediate area. 
      • All personnel who may have had contact with the unknown material should wash their hands with soap and warm water, and shower with soap and warm water as soon as possible. 
      • Do not use bleach or other disinfectants. 
      • Make a list of names and contact information for all personnel who have come into contact with the unknown material. 
      • Provide this information to law enforcement and health officials. 
      • Carefully follow the instructions provided by law enforcement and health officials.

      Utility outage / elevator failure

      Immediate Actions

      • Immediately report utility failures during regular work hours (Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.) to the Facilities at 678.407.5900. 
      • Immediately report utility failures after regular work hours, on weekends and on holidays to Facilities at 404.643.3949 / 678.507.6012 and Public Safety at 678.407.5333.

      Power Outage

      • Report the outage to Facilities and Public Safety. 
      • Help co-workers in darkened areas move to safer locations. 
      • Unplug personal computers, appliances and non-essential electrical equipment. 
      • Open windows for additional light and ventilation. 
      • Check building elevators for stranded personnel. Advise Public Safety of locations of disabled elevators. 
      • Follow the instructions provided by Facilities/Public Safety.

      Water Outage

      • Report the outage to Facilities and Public Safety. 
      • Follow the instructions provided by Facilities /Public Safety.

      Gas Leaks

      • Evacuate the area immediately. 
      • DO NOT attempt to shut off or manipulate valves. 
      • DO NOT pull fire alarm, touch light switches or engage electrical equipment. 
      • Activate building emergency notification procedures to ensure everyone in the building is notified. 
      • Call Facilities and Public Safety to report the problem. 
      • DO NOT switch on lights or any other electrical equipment. 
      • Do not smoke within 500 feet of the leak. 
      • If leak is outside, DO NOT remove any vehicles from the immediate area until cleared by Public Safety. 
      • Account for all building personnel once outside and wait for further instructions from Public Safety.

      Elevator Failure

      • An officer will be dispatched to the building in case of an elevator entrapment to assess the situation. 
      • Remain calm and await the arrival of an elevator service technician.

      When to report an incident

      Safety and Security at Georgia Gwinnett College begins with you.

      If You See Something, Say Something

      • If someone is injured or ill.
      • If you see or smell smoke or fire.
      • If see you see any type of sexual assault taking place.
      • If you see someone being hurt, harassed or bullied.
      • If you see a crime in progress such as someone stealing, causing damage, driving while under the influence of any substance that impairs their ability to safely operate a vehicle, or any activity that is against the law.
      • If you see something, or someone, suspicious.
      • If you are reporting a medical problem, ask someone to monitor the affected person’s condition so you can relay the information to the officer(s).

      Report a Crime

      • The expectation is that all employees will report crimes and/or suspicious activities. 
      • Report the incident to your supervisor, file a report with an officer at Public Safety, or fill out the online Report a Crime form
      • DO NOT assume someone else has made or will make the call. 
      • Provide GGC Public Safety with detailed information about the situation.
      • Police will investigate and categorize the reported incidents.

      Report crimes to your supervisor or campus police immediately.

      Learn more: keeping you safe