Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education and reads: “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”

Notice of Non-Discrimination

Georgia Gwinnett College (“GGC”) is committed to maintaining a fair and respectful environment for living, work and study. Title IX prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance, including the admissions process and in employment. In accordance with federal, state and local law and the GGC’s Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Policy, GGC does not discriminate on the basis of sex (including pregnancy, child birth or a medical condition related to pregnancy or childbirth), race, color, creed, age, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, marital status, veteran or military status, genetic information, or any other protected status or characteristic as defined by law in its programs and activities, its admission process, its employment, and provides equal access.

The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:

Sharon Stellato, J.D., Interim Title IX Coordinator
Building B, Suite 3700

Inquiries may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Customer service hotline number: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
TDD number: (877) 521-2172
Email: @email
Website: https://www.ed.gov/ocr

Title IX Coordinator

The Title IX coordinator is responsible for monitoring and overseeing Title IX compliance at the college, to include coordination of training, education, communications, and administration of grievance procedures for faculty, staff, students and other members of the GGC community.

Sharon Stellato, J.D., Interim Title IX Coordinator

What is GGC's policy on sexual misconduct?

GGC is proactive in its efforts to address and reduce instances of sexual misconduct, including sexual violence, in order to create and maintain a welcoming learning and working environment. It’s our responsibility to ensure compliance with federal law by demonstrating that our processes and procedures are operated in a manner consistent with Title VII and Title IX regulations and provisions, as well as the Violence Against Women Act. Prohibited sex discrimination covers sexual harassment, including stalking, dating/domestic violence as defined by the Sexual Misconduct Policy.

The college follows the Board of Regents Sexual Misconduct Policy 6.7, GGC's Title IX / Sexual Misconduct Policy 4.1.7, as well as the Board of Regents Policy Standards for Institutional Student Conduct Investigation and Disciplinary Proceedings 4.6.5 for all allegations involving student sexual misconduct. All allegations of discrimination and harassment involving employees, students, or third party respondents based on protected categories, not covered by the Board of Regents Student Sexual Misconduct Policy, will be handled by the GGC Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (NDAH) Policy.

Read the full sexual misconduct policy.

Responsible employees

GGC faculty, instructors, administrators, supervisors, other responsible employees, and all persons in positions of authority, even if they are also students (e.g., residential assistants, teaching assistants and student managers), must report to Equal Opportunity and Title IX Compliance any complaints they receive or knowledge they possess (whether direct or indirect) of any discrimination or harassment that is prohibited under the NDAH policy and the student sexual misconduct policy. Failure to make a report by a person in a position of authority is a separate violation of the NDAH policy and the student sexual misconduct policy.

Sexual Misconduct Resources

National Hotlines and Local Contacts

GGC Supportive Measures

The Title IX coordinator serves as the primary point of contact for facilitating the issuance of supportive measures to stabilize the situation, stop the misconduct, support the people involved in the report and the community, and protect the integrity of the investigation. These measures may be put in place by the college whether the report is resolved informally or formally, or whether or not a full investigation is conducted. Supportive measures are non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered by the college as appropriate, as reasonably available, without fees, to restore or preserve access to the college’s employment or education program or activity, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties and/or the college’s environment, and/or deter any prohibited conduct under this policy. The college will offer and implement appropriate and reasonable supportive measures to the parties. The college will maintain the privacy of the supportive measures, provided that privacy does not impair the college’s ability to provide the supportive measures. Examples of supportive measures include but are not limited to:

  1. Assistance with reporting to law enforcement: If the complainant chooses, the college may assist in filing a report with the appropriate law enforcement agency
  2. No contact order: GGC Public Safety, the Title IX coordinator, dean of students and/or chief Human Resources officer (“CHRO”) may impose a "no-contact" order, which typically will include a directive that the parties refrain from having any contact with one another, directly or through third parties, whether in person or via electronic means, pending the investigation and, if applicable, the hearing. When taking steps to separate the complainant and the respondent, the Title IX coordinator, dean of students, and/or CHRO will seek to minimize unnecessary or unreasonable burdens on either party. Note, however, that this obligation does not preclude the college from evaluating and implementing an interim suspension, if deemed warranted.
  3. Safety measures: The college may coordinate any reasonable arrangements that are necessary for ongoing safety. This includes parking arrangements, providing security escorts, or transportation assistance.
  4. Living arrangements: The college may assist in changing on-campus living arrangements, as available, for the complainant or that of the respondent to ensure safety and a comfortable living situation.
  5. Campus trespass order / restriction: The college may issue a trespass order which would prevent an individual from entering any part of campus. A campus restriction may also be imposed in order to restrict an individual from certain areas of campus, such as a residence hall (this can also include restrictions from college activities and/or events).
  6. Employment arrangements: The college may assist with altering work arrangements for employees, including changes in work schedule or job assignment.
  7. Academic arrangements / modifications: The college may assist with adjusting academic schedules, withdrawals, absence notifications, deadline extensions, other course / program-related adjustments, leaves of absence and testing accommodations, as well as assist in providing resources to academic support services.
  8. Other supportive measures: The college may coordinate reasonable arrangements to address the effects of Title IX complaints, including connections with counseling, health care, financial planning assistance, immigration and/or visa assistance, or academic support resources. Once the Title IX coordinator receives a report, the complainant and respondent will be scheduled for separate meetings to review reporting options and supportive measures.
  9. Protective order: The college may provide law enforcement or victim services’ information in order to assist in filing for a protective order, restraining order, or similar lawful orders issued by a criminal, civil or tribal court. These orders prohibit contact between the complainant and the respondent.
  10. Referral to community-based service providers and/or resources
  11. Visa and immigration assistance
  12. Student financial aid assistance 
  13. Increased security and monitoring of certain areas of the campus

Community and Campus Resources

Mosaic Georgia: Sexual Assault Center and Children's Advocacy Center
24 hours/7 days a week
Phone: 770.476.7407

Northside Hospital Gwinnett
Phone: 678.312.1000

Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion
Phone: 678.312.4790

Lawrenceville Health Center 
Phone: 770.339.4283

GGC Health Services 
Location: H-1102
Phone: 678.407.5675

Gwinnett County Police 
Phone: 770.513.5100

Lawrenceville Police 
Phone: 770.963.2443

GGC Public Safety  
Location: Building D  
Phone: 678.607.5333  
TTY Phone: 678.433.6611 
Report a crime

Georgia Crisis and Access Line    
24 hours/7 days a week
Phone: 800.715.4225

GGC Counseling and Psychological Services 
Location: RL-3121 
Phone: 678.407.5592


BeWell@GGC supports you with flexible options and tools to help lift you mentally and emotionally with expanded services through a partnership between the University System of Georgia and Uwill.

24/7/365 Mental Health Support Line

Call 833.910.3366 for support in the moment and therapy referrals appropriate to your needs.

Uwill Mental Health and Wellness Solution

Private. Secure. Confidential.

Uwill offers students free immediate access to teletherapy, a direct crisis connection and wellness programming through its easy-to-use online platform. Access is quick and easy. You can register and book your first session in just minutes using your school email.

  1. Register / log in to Uwill.
  2. Choose a therapist based on your preferences including availability, issue, gender, language, ethnicity.
  3. Choose a time that fits your schedule with day, night and weekend availability.
Title IX Training and Education