Monthly Learning Topics
The Monthly Learning Series presents a unique opportunity for GGC faculty and staff to experience professional development.
Topics are based on the quarterly focus to ensure you're building upon your skills each month and quarter. Workshops are open to GGC employees and are presented by content experts and often feature dynamic individuals from across the Metro Atlanta region. Watch for email announcements at the beginning of each month and enroll using Grizzly Learning Path.
Monthly Learning Series Topic Examples
- Professional Development: What? Why? How?
- Embracing Change
- DISC Self-Assessment
Building Trust
- Emotional Intelligence
- Crucial Conversations
- Building Strong Teams
Achieving Goals
- Managing Chaos and Pressure at Work
- Juggling Competing Priorities
- Dream Big, Focus Small: How to Achieve Your Goals
Tackling Roadblocks
- Effective Communication
- Time Management Fundamentals
- Achieving Work-Life Balance
Email Learning and Development with questions or about ideas for new topics.