Tests Offered
Local, state, and national testing programs are offered for a testing fee. A valid government issued photo ID is required for all tests.
Test Offered through Testing Services
ATI Test of Essential Academic Skills (ATI TEAS) Test
The ATI TEAS test measures knowledge in science, math, English/language usage skills and reading comprehension. Applicants to the Nursing Program are required to submit ATI TEAS scores. Review additional information about registration for the ATI TEAS test.
Certiport manages a portfolio of certification programs aimed at enhancing individual productivity, marketability and value. Test candidates are required to purchase an exam voucher directly from Certiport. The Georgia Gwinnett College administration fee is payable using the online payment option.
Visit the Certiport website to learn your options and to schedule an appointment to take a Certiport exam.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The CLEP series of tests include standardized tests that are computer-based and timed at 90 minutes per test. Candidates who score high enough may receive college credit based upon the academic policy at the college or university that they attend. Unofficial CLEP score reports are available to the candidate when the test is finished. The official CLEP scores are released by the College Board approximately two or three weeks after the candidates’ test session is completed. Testing appointments may be scheduled online. The CLEP official study guides may be ordered from the CLEP website.
- Test fee (each test) paid directly to CLEP. See CLEP website for pricing.
- The Georgia Gwinnett College administration fee (each test) is payable using the online payment option.
AP-CLEP Equivalency Chart (PDF)
Schedule an appointment to take the CLEP.
The DSST program is a comprehensive series of exams in college subject areas that are comparable to final exams in undergraduate courses. The charge for each test is paid directly to DSST. The Georgia Gwinnett College administration fee can be paid using the online payment option. The DSST exams are internet-based and developed to enable colleges to award credit to students who had equivalent knowledge to that of a student who took the course. For additional information, contact the DSST website.
Schedule an appointment to take the DSST.
Exam Proctoring for Distance Learning/Independent Study
Testing Services is a member of The Consortium of College Testing Centers (CCTC). The purpose of the consortium is to provide testing services for students away from their campuses. Both traditional paper-pencil formats as well as computer-based online formats are proctored. All requests can be emailed to Testing Services at GGCTesting@ggc.edu. A valid picture ID is required, and the proctoring fee can be paid using the online payment option.
Foreign Language Achievement Testing Services (FLATS)
The FLATS testing program allows students all across the United States to take the FLATS test and receive up to 12 college credits. Visit FLATS to register before making your GGC proctoring appointment.
Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE)
The GACE Assessments are taken by individuals seeking admission to an educator preparation program, seeking educator certification in the State of Georgia, and/or seeking to become highly qualified in a core academic subject. Developed by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission (GaPSC) and Educational Testing Service (ETS), these computer-based assessments assure that the knowledge and skills acquired by prospective Georgia educators are aligned with state and national standards for educator preparation and with state standards for the P–12 student curriculum – the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS). For more information about requirements, assessments offered, registering and test dates, consult the GACE website.
Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (Paraprofessional)
The GACE Paraprofessional Assessment is taken by prospective and practicing paraprofessionals to demonstrate that they are knowledgeable in reading, writing, and math, and that they are capable of assisting in classroom instruction. For more information consult the GACE Paraprofessional website. The non-refundable test fee can be paid using the online payment option for GACE.
Schedule an appointment to take the Parapro.
Georgia History and Georgia Constitution Tests
The Georgia History test and the Georgia Constitution test are both offered through MyCourses in Testing Services.
Students are limited to one attempt at passing the Georgia Constitution test. Students are limited to one attempt per semester at passing the Georgia History test and can only take it twice during their time at GGC. If failed twice, students must enroll in HIST 2111/2112 and/or POLS 1101. HIST 3265 also satisfies the GA history legislative requirement. Students should contact Testing Services at 678.407.5322 for additional information about legislative exams.
GRE General Test
The GRE General Test is a standardized assessment developed and conducted by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to evaluate a candidate's overall preparedness for graduate-level education.
ITEC 1001: Placement Test
The ITEC 1001 placement test is the measure used to place students out of the ITEC 1001 course. The test is offered through a digital platform in Testing Services. Anyone who passes the ITEC 1001 proficiency test will then take two higher level ITEC courses from area D options to meet the two ITEC course requirement in your program. Anyone who has taken ITEC 1001 and received a grade of W, D, F or WF is not eligible to take the ITEC 1001 proficiency test. You must first email Testing Services to obtain prior approval before scheduling this test. You will not be permitted to take the ITEC placement without prior approval. The administration fee can be paid using the online payment option. View ITEC 1001 Test Review: Proficiency Exam Student Information Sheet (PDF).
Placement Test
Placement test scores will be used as part of your evaluation for admission and placement process.
Students whose SAT critical reading score is 430 or greater (24 if taken March 2016 or after), or the national ACT English score is 17 or greater, are exempt from taking the placement test in reading and writing. Students whose national SAT math score is 400 or greater (440 if taken March 2016 or after), or their national ACT math score is 17 or greater, are exempt from taking the placement test in mathematics.
Students may register for the ACCUPLACER* test by contacting Testing Services at 678.407.5322 and scheduling an appointment. A picture ID and placement testing fee (paid using the online payment option) is required at the time of testing.
Based on Board of Regents policy, students are allowed a retest for any part of the placement test in which their score was below the cut-off score resulting in a requirement to enroll in a learning support course in reading, writing or mathematics. Candidates cannot retest on the same day as the previous test. If you do retest, then the College will use the higher of the two scores for your placement.
Get tools and resources to prepare for ACCUPLACER* testing.
Schedule an appointment to take the ACCUPLACER* test.
Applicants who do not reside in the area and are unable to test at GGC may request to take the ACCUPLACER* remotely.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
The TOEFL iBT is an internet-based test that measures a student's ability to combine reading, listening, speaking and writing skills in a testing session. The test is used for college or university admissions for non-native English-speaking students.
U.S./Georgia History Exam
This test is designed to allow students to meet the legislative requirement of demonstrating knowledge of U.S. and Georgia history, only if they failed to fulfill it in the normal course of completing their general education requirements. Students will be required either to take the tests or to take an additional specific history course if they fall into one of the following categories:
- Students who received History AP credit which exempted them taking the General Education Area E required history courses
- Students who completed the Area E history requirement at a non-USG system school
- Students who completed the Area E history requirement without taking a US history course
The computer-based test contains multiple choice questions that replicate a rigorous final exam in a course that meets the legislative requirements. Since the legislative requirement assumes that Georgia history is included in the teaching of U.S. history, this test includes questions of Georgia history asked within the framework of U.S. history.
Students may also take history courses at Georgia Gwinnett College that meet the legislative requirement. These courses currently include the U.S. History surveys (Hist 2111 and Hist 2112). Courses under design that will meet the legislative requirement include: U.S. Honors History, The Old South, The New South, U.S. Southern History and the History of Georgia.
Students may only take the test twice in their academic career and not more than once per semester. If they fail it twice, they MUST take an additional course that meets the legislative requirement.