Andrea Jasper

Dr. Andrea D. Jasper
Dean, School of Education
Andrea Jasper, Ph.D., is the dean of the School of Education. Her administrative experience includes demonstrated leadership within college and university settings and professional associations. Jasper has served as a graduate coordinator, department chairperson and associate dean before assuming her current role as dean. Jasper worked to increase her leadership acumen by engaging in professional learning opportunities. For example, she obtained a graduate certificate in the area of leadership at Central Michigan University and served as a Leadership Fellow in the Mid-American Conference Academic Leadership Program.
Jasper has had various experiences working with, and advocating for, individuals with exceptional needs. Prior to earning her Ph.D. at Purdue University, she worked as a special education teacher at the secondary level and a paraeducator at the elementary level. She is very passionate about the field of special education and her previous years of experience at the K-12 level contribute to her effectiveness as a teacher educator, leader and role model for others.
She has a strong record of teaching at the higher education level and in P-12 schools. She also has a solid record of research. Her research interests focus on learners with low-incidence disabilities and emotional behavioral disorders, classroom management and instructional strategies. She has authored or co-authored over 25 publications and has presented her work more than 70 times at multiple international/national, state and local conferences. Jasper is committed to excellence in teaching, research and service and demonstrates her commitment through her continued activity as a teacher and a scholar.
Jasper is actively involved with the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), in which she currently serves as immediate past president. She has been a member of CEC since 2008 and has served in a variety of leadership positions within the organization including chair of the Diversity Caucus of the Teacher Education Division (TED), treasurer of the Division for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Learners (DDEL), reviewer on the Editorial Board for the TEACHING Exceptional Children journal, and a member-at-large on the CEC Board of Directors. Jasper also served on the presidential line for the Michigan CEC state unit.
Jasper believes in the importance of being student-centered and student-focused. Her commitment to student success is a result of her personal experiences. Consequently, her choice to be student-centered and her commitment to student success are more than a passion, but an ethos that has been consistent throughout her academic career.
As a leader, she is deeply committed to equity and inclusion. Jasper participated in professional development under the mentorship of the Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and Belonging while at Central Michigan University. This opportunity increased her understanding of equity and inclusion issues impacting higher education and broadened her understanding of equity and inclusion challenges at the institutional level. As a result of this experience, Jasper strengthened her commitment to doing the work to advance equity, promote diversity and create inclusive environments for students, faculty and staff.
One of Jasper’s strengths is her ability to establish and maintain positive and productive working relationships with others. As a relationship-oriented leader, she is attentive to the concerns of others and empathizes with them. Jasper fosters collaboration and trust through transparency and open communication. Her collaborative leadership style has allowed her to build influence with others. Jasper is excited about collaborating with faculty and staff to provide fresh thinking and innovative strategies to address the challenges and opportunities that exist within the School of Education.
- Doctorate – special education – Purdue University
- Master's – special education – Purdue University
- Bachelor's – African American studies – Purdue University
Academic Interests
- Special education
- Intellectual disability
- Autism spectrum disorder
- Transition
- Leadership development
Peart, A. M., Drevon, D. D., & Jasper, A. D. (2024). A comparison of single-case effect measures using check-in check-out data. Behavioral Modification, 1-25. Printed online first.
Kim, M., Jasper, A. D., Lee, J., & Won, H. (2022). Work, leisure, and life satisfaction for employees with physical disabilities in South Korea. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 17, 469-487.
Chapman, B. N., Drevon, D. D., & Jasper, A. D. (2021). The impact of the quiet classroom game on on-task behavior and classroom noise level in three middle school classrooms. Journal of Behavioral Education, 32, 109-126.
Hunter, W. C., Jasper, A. D., Barnes, K., Davis, L. L., Davis, K., Singleton, J., Barton-Arwood, S., & Scott, T. (2021). Promoting positive teacher-student relationships through creating a plan for classroom management on-boarding. Multicultural Learning and Teaching.
- President, Council for Exceptional Children (2023)
Professional Affiliations
- American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
- Council for Exceptional Children