Chrissy Rosen ,  CFRE


Chrissy Parke Rosen, CFRE

Executive Director of Individual Engagement

Office B-2045
Office phone 678.407.5789
Email Address


Chrissy Rosen is an executive director in Advancement. She supervises a team of higher education professionals in the areas of annual giving, major gifts, planned giving and alumni engagement.

Rosen was previously vice president for Planned Giving and Development for The United Methodist Foundation for the Tennessee-Kentucky Conference. Her 25 year non-profit career includes positions at Austin Peay State University, Murray State University and the University of South Carolina. Rosen was area director for the Paducah, KY office of the American Cancer Society and County Director of the Fighting Back Drug Prevention Initiative in Newberry, SC. She has also served as a board consultant and trainer for the ministries of the Southeast Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church.

Rosen’s first career spanned nearly ten years in the 1980s and 90s in quick service restaurant marketing and advertising. Rosen worked with six different chains, including three years as account supervisor over a multi-million-dollar yearly advertising budget for five markets of McDonald’s.

In 2013, Rosen earned the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) credential, which designates experienced fundraising professionals with the highest standards of ethics, competence and service to the philanthropic sector. She is a longtime member of CASE and was a board member of the Nashville, TN Planned Giving Council and AFP chapter. Rosen chaired the Nashville 2014 AFP National Philanthropy Day Luncheon and is now active with the AFP Atlanta chapter, currently serving for a third year on its board. She has previously served on the Gwinnett Bicentennial Committee and the Gwinnett Coalition Board. A 2018 graduate of Leadership Gwinnett, Rosen remains active as an alumni volunteer.

A native of Charleston, SC, Rosen graduated from the College of Charleston with a B.S. in business administration.


  • Bachelor's – business administration – College of Charleston