Clemente Quinones-Reyes
Dr. Clemente Quinones-Reyes
Assistant Professor of Political Science
Dr. Clemente Quinones-Reyes is an assistant professor of political science in the Political Science, Criminal Justice and International Studies Department at Georgia Gwinnett College. His Ph.D. is in political science whose sub-fields are comparative politics and public opinion survey research methods. Congruently, his teaching and research commitments are in these areas, as shown by this list of selected courses: International Migration, Comparative Foreign Policy, Foundations of International Policy, International Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Comparative Political Institutions, Latin American Politics, USA-Latin American Relations, and Survey Research Methods. Based on the critical pedagogy school, he applies the student-centered approach in his teaching. Regarding his research, Quinones-Reyes is conducting research on two topics: "Central American migration," and "the indigenous people’s political representation, legislation participation and socio-economic conditions: the case of Latin America." In addition, he coordinates GGC's annual symposium on migration as part of the International Education Week every fall.
- Doctorate – political science, comparative politics and public opinion survey research – University of Connecticut
- Master’s – public and international affairs – University of Pittsburgh
- Bachelor’s – public administration – Universidad Autonoma de Tamaulipas
Academic Interests
- Comparative politics and related courses
- International relations and related courses
- Latin American politics
- Statistics applied to political science
- Research methods, including public opinion survey research
Some Publications
- Quinones, Clemente. (2018). Process of Transforming Regular Courses Into I-Courses: The Case of Two Political Science Courses at GGC. In S. Dikli, B. Etheridge, & R. Rawls (Eds.), Curriculum Internationalization and the Future of Education (pp. 18-35). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-2791-6.ch002.
- Quinones, C (2005). Rule of Law and Crime: 2004 – 2005. In Mitchell Seligson et al, The Political Culture of Democracy: Colombia 2005 (pp. 91-114). Nashville, Tennessee: LAPOP, USAID, and Vanderbilt University.
Work in Progress
- Electoral Systems, Recognition and Respect of the Indigenous People’s Rights: The Case of Mexico
- Impact of Sociopolitical Upheaval and Electoral Reforms on Mexico’s Democratization Process.
- Socio-economic and Political Conditions Associated with Peace: Alternative Peace Concept Applied to Latin America.
- International Institutional Arrangement for Peaceful International Change.
- Multi-cultural Fellowship, University of Connecticut, 1997- 2005, to pursue doctoral studies
- "100,000 Stronger in the Americas" grant, a GGC-Universidad Iberoamecana Mobility and Networking Project: Central America, Mexico – US Migration
- Teacher of the Year Award at Cedar Valley College, Dallas, TX, 1992
- CONACYT (National Council of Science and Technology) Scholarship from the Mexican government, 1981-1983, a merit-based scholarship to pursue graduate studies in public and international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh
- Best Student, Public Administration Class 1973-1978, School of Business Administration, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, Nuevo Laredo campus, Mexico, 1978
Professional Affiliations
- American Association of Political Science
- International Studies Association
- Midwest Political Science Association