Eva Cleveland

Dr. Eva Cleveland
Assistant Professor of Health Science, Health Sciences Department Chair
Dr. Eva Cleveland is a native Georgian and brings a wealth of experiential diversity in the health sciences arena to her dual roles as assistant professor of health science and health sciences department chair. Her experience with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and leadership positions with the Georgia Department of Public Health at the local and regional levels, complement her academic pedagogical credentials in providing students with a wide-ranging view of potential health care career opportunities.
- Doctorate – health promotion and behavior-preparedness in older adults – University of Georgia
- Master's – public health – University of Georgia
- Bachelor's – social work – University of Georgia
- Practical nurse – Dalton School of Health Occupations
Training and Certifications
- General and Flag Officer Homeland Security Executive Seminar, Harvard Kennedy School Executive Education
- Training and experience with Homeland Security Evaluation and Exercise Program
- Current incident command courses: 100, 200, 700, 800, 230, 300 and 400
- Emergency planning for special needs communities
- Department of Homeland Security WMD radiological/nuclear hazards materials technicians course PER-24
- WMD radiological/nuclear awareness train the trainer AWR-140-
- Department of Homeland Security weapons of mass destruction radiological/nuclear responder course for hazardous material techs: Nevada test site
- Certified in American Red Cross first aid and CPR since 1985
- Amateur Radio Technicians license
- Center for Disaster Preparedness Anniston Alabama Training Facility: pandemic influenza planning
- Center for Disaster Preparedness Anniston Alabama Training Facility: WMD hands-on responder training course for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosive (CBRNE) incidents
- High impact mass casualty incidents training
- B-CON National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
- University of Georgia Community Emergency Response Team
- Search and rescue incident management
- Basic disaster life support
Academic Interests
- Experiential learning
- Health care preparedness initiatives
- Leadership in preparedness and response
- Wastewater epidemiological surveillance
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: NCEZID Director's Recognition Award Japan Earthquake and Damaged Nuclear Facility Response
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Quarantine Branch Director's Coin
- University of Georgia Career Center – Student Career Development Award (three years)
- Triple Dawg