Jean Elkovich

Jean M. Elkovich
Instructor of Physical Education
As a college instructor of physical education, Ms. Elkovich has the knowledge and the persistence to instill a sense of classroom unity, where each student (no matter how shy) has the freedom and desire to express his/herself and unique ideas. She is contagiously enthusiastic with the ability to encourage students to look beyond themselves and their current belief systems and grasp new ideas, philosophies and progressive thought.
Elkovich educates students on the basic aspects of human life and the ability to create one-self as they see fit. With this, she elaborates on the physical functioning of the human anatomy and how it evolves. Taking care of the body is the most important aspect of life, as longevity, thought, mobility, heart function and the human existence are dependent on how well we treat our bodies. Discussing the physical effects of stress, addictions, nutrition and thought processes, she reminds students that their decisions ultimately affect their livelihood.
Education should be challenging, but fun to discover. Although Elkovich has fun in class, she also has high expectations for each student and his/her capacity to become a responsible, educated and physically active adult. She provides high standards, accountability, as well as written and skill-based assessments. By setting high standards, she is able to seek the highest potential students have to offer. Not only is Elkovich a teacher, she maintains she is also a creative student at heart. Discovering new ideas to improve an outcome reignites her love for teaching and inspires her passion for knowledge. She strives to continue learning magnificent ways to communicate, engage and inspire. By simplifying difficult concepts, serving her community and caring for those who step into her classroom to learn about the physical aspects of the human body, she receives a sense of joy and daily affirmation that teaching has always been her life's calling.
- Master's – health and physical education – University of West Georgia
Academic Interests
- Social and psychological sciences that affect physical/nutritional outcomes