Livinus Uko

Dr. Livinus Uko
Professor of Mathematics
Dr. Uko holds a doctoral degree in mathematics from the University of Milan, Italy. He is fluent in English, Spanish, Ibo, Portuguese and Italian, and has lived and worked at colleges and research institutions in Europe, Africa, South America and North America. He is the author of the book Matemática Amenas (in Spanish – Mathematics for Leisure).
- Doctorate – mathematics – University of Milan, Italy
- Master's – mathematics – University of Ibadan, Nigeria
- Bachelor's – mathematics – University of Ibadan, Nigeria
Academic Interests
- Numerical functional analysis
- Optimization
- Recreational mathematics
Dr. Uko is active in research, and his papers have appeared in specialized mathematics journals including the following:
- Numerical Algorithms
- Aequationes Mathematicae
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
- Ars Combinatoria
- Applied Mathematics Letters
- Nonlinear Analysis
- Nonlinear Studies
- Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
- Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
- Mathematical Programming
- Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
- Rivista di Matematica Pura e Applicata
- Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas
- Afrika Matematika
- American Mathematical Society
- Kappa Mu Epsilon Honor Society