Wei Liu

Dr. Wei Liu
Professor of Information Technology
Dr. Wei Liu is a professor in the School of Science and Technology at GGC. His current research interests are e-health interconnection infrastructure, services and applications. He has published extensively in the related fields such as e-health interconnections, service creation platforms, application QoS (quality of service), PST (privacy security and trust) and big data applications.
He is the founder of the International BDeHS Conference Workshop with the vision of transforming healthcare, business and ultimately society itself – and with the mission of connecting the e-health ecosystems to the communities in research, education, thought leadership – while e-health and its emerging business become a driving factor in innovation and fundamental advances.
As an ITEC inauguration faculty member, Liu has served in a number of committees for ITEC/SST/GGC and beyond, including:
- Chair of IT course curriculum (goals and outcomes)
- Faculty search committee (chair)
- P&C committees (school committee chair and college committee member)
- Alternate member of faculty senate
- Representative to USG International Education Council
- Mentor/advisor for GGC students
- NSF Reviewer (NSF panel list)
- STEM grant review panel
- Grand judge in the Intel Science Fair in Atlanta
- International conference committees (chair)
- Doctorate – computer systems and communication networks – Georgia Institute of Technology
Academic Interests
- e-Health
- Service infrastructure
- Applications
- GGC Appreciation Award
- GGC SACS Contribution Recognition
- Standard Committee T1 Outstanding Contribution Award
- Telecom T1M1 Standard Outstanding Editor Award
- ATIS/TCIF New Technology Research Group Contribution Award