MyCourses content and data removal begins June 16

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In accordance with the University System of Georgia’s (USG) approved policy on learning management system (LMS) data and content retention, please review the course retention report (Excel). Generally, any course from December 2019 or earlier will appear in the report. The courses included in the report (Excel) are scheduled for removal beginning June 16, 2025. Please review the list carefully.

Faculty are responsible for archiving content and data and ensuring any data required for accreditation or research activities is preserved.  

Content or videos hosted by third party services, such as Kaltura, Turnitin, and Zoom, integrated with MyCourses are not subject to removal under the MyCourses data and content retention policy. However, content and videos hosted in third party services are subject to the retention and storage policies of these services.

Faculty must take action to archive MyCourses content and data before June 16.

Grades, assignment submissions, quiz results and discussion posts that are archived and downloaded are considered FERPA-protected data. As such, this data should be managed as described in APM 10.9 Student Education Records Management and FERPA Policy.

Please contact Information Technology to consult on archive options.

If you have any questions, please contact the Georgia Gwinnett College Helpdesk at:    

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