Computer Use
Open computing in the Daniel J. Kaufman Library & Learning Center is for the use of GGC students, faculty, and staff. Members of the general public may use the Public Access Catalogs.
Computer Use
Open Computers are reserved for the following activities, in order of priority.
- Research or locating Library material
- Using MyGGC or MyCourses
- Working on assignments
- Accessing multimedia applications relevant to scholarly research
And, provided there are computers available, - Personal e-mail, entertainment and social networking.
The following activities are supported.
- Research activities, including Internet access
- Saving files to external media
- Viewing reference or reserve material
- Viewing multimedia materials with Windows Media Player and Quick Time. Other video viewers are not supported
The following activities are forbidden.
- Running commands
- Reconfiguring existing software
- Deleting software
- Installing new software, including games
- Viewing sexually explicit materials, unless it is verifiably part of an assignment, including on personal computing devices.
- Viewing graphically violent materials, unless it is verifiably part of an assignment, including on personal computing devices.
- Playing graphically violent and sexually explicit games, including on personal computing devices
- Gambling, including on personal computing devices
Other Guidelines
- Audio must be listened to through headphones rather than computer speakers.
- Use of the instructor’s audiovisual system by students is prohibited unless the students are part of a class arranged by a faculty member.
- Lights in computing facilities managed by the Library must remain turned on at all times, with the following exceptions:
- In study rooms
- If a faculty member, as part of an arranged class, needs them turned off
- Doors to computing facilities managed by the Library must remain open at all times during operational hours, with the following exceptions:
- In study rooms
- If a faculty member, as part of an arranged class, needs them closed
- Children and young adults under the age of 17 may not use Library computing facilities unless they are enrolled at GGC.
Note: Activities not included in this list may be deemed inappropriate by the Librarian or Help Desk Assistant on duty, and users may be asked to stop engaging in such activity. Violators may be forbidden future use of Library computing facilities and/or recommended for disciplinary action.
Printing in the open computing areas is managed by a print management system. Students must maintain a cash balance on their Cave Cash accounts and must use their Claw Cards to release print jobs. The cost to print is 10 cents per page for one-sided printing, and 16 cents for two-sided printing. Color printing is available in the Main Library Information Commons only, and the cost is 25 cents for the first side and 15 cents for the second side.
Students can check out headphones from the circulation desk. Headphones are available for sale in the Bookstore, located in the Student Center.
The user is responsible for any and all copyright violations that may be committed through the use of Library or Information Commons computers. Intentional violation of copyright law is not permitted. For more information, refer to the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, Title 17, U.S. Code and the University System of Georgia's Board of Regents policy.
Rules and regulations of Georgia Gwinnett College, as stated in the GGC Library Computer Use Policies, are to be followed. Violators may be forbidden future use of GGC computing facilities and/or recommended for disciplinary action.
Computer users must produce identification if requested to by College personnel, including any student employee on duty in a computing facility.
Facilities Use
Please see Library Facilities Use.