Grizzlies Serve Volunteer Opportunities
Grizzlies Serve provides ongoing community engagement and volunteer opportunities that exercise problem-solving techniques and foster dialogue with those most affected.
- Learn the GGC philosophy of service.
- Enhance awareness on how social problems and environmental conditions differ across communities.
- Reflect on one’s personal reactions to service experiences.
- Develop a sense of social and civic responsibility.
Examples of Volunteer Opportunities
Gwinnett Great Days of Service
Gwinnett Great Days of Service, created by the non-profit Gwinnett Coalition on Health and Human Services, improves health and human service needs throughout Gwinnett County. Grizzlies contribute to this community-wide event during Grizzlyfest – A GGC Homecoming through various service opportunities that change each year due to the needs and demands of Gwinnett County.
GGC Microfarm
Volunteer outdoor enthusiasts plant, weed, and compost on the GGC Microfarm all year long. Established in 2013, this urban food garden donates all of its produce to local community members who face food-insecurities. Student Life is a major collaborator and endorser of programming at the farm.
Grizzly Thrift
Grizzlies Serve and the Environmental Club have partnered to offer volunteer opportunities to participate at a Grizzly Thrift pop-up style event. You’ll help with setup (folding and displaying donated clothing items), assisting event attendees and/or packing up items to store until the next event. This sustainability fashion event occurs on various dates throughout the fall and spring semesters.
Local Mentoring Opportunities
There are numerous ways to serve as a mentor for youth in our community. Two of our mentorship programs include the Hispanic/Latinx Mentorship Program in collaboration with Gwinnett County Public Schools and the Grizzlies Serve Siblings Program in collaboration with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Atlanta. Each opportunity matches a Grizzly with a younger student to serve as a mentor and develop a life changing relationship with them throughout the 12-month mentorship commitment. The Hispanic/Latinx Mentorship Program does not have an age requirement. The Siblings Program has a 21+ age requirement.
Grizzlies Serve Pen Pal Program
Through our partnership with Shiloh Middle School, Grizzlies have the opportunity to have a middle school pen pal with which they exchange one letter per month for an entire academic year. Monthly prompts and themes are provided to all pen pals. Pen pals will have the opportunity to meet each other at a Mix and Mingle event during the spring semester.
Service Saturday
Grizzlies Serve Service Saturdays take place on the fourth Saturday of each month during the academic year, where Grizzlies participate in service projects either on or off campus.
Junior Achievement
GGC's partnership with Junior Achievement helps middle school students learn financial literacy at Gwinnett County's Discovery High School. This volunteer occurs on various dates throughout each semester.
Read Across America
In honor of Dr. Seuss’s birthday (early March), Read Across America is an annual reading motivation and awareness program for young students. GGC partners with Kids 'R' Kids and Sheltering Arms, early learning centers near campus, for this volunteer activity.
Make a Difference
Interested in getting community service credit for an upcoming or past project, initiative, or service hours? Email @email to learn the steps to apply.
For Community Organizations
Interested in partnering for service opportunities or projects? Email @email to learn the steps to apply.