The second-year experience pathway to success checklist offers recommendations to help you navigate your second year at GGC. Review and integrate them into your personal and academic decisions and goals.

Choose a Path

Discover Your Options

  • Schedule an appointment with your faculty mentor to review and prepare any application(s) associated with your major.
  • Attend a study abroad fair. Find dates and times on the GGC events calendar and learn more about study aboard opportunities.
  • Determine ways to gain career-related experiences: internships, undergraduate research, shadow professionals, part-time jobs and volunteering. 
  • Participate in service learning.
  • Explore graduate education. Career Services can help.

Get More Involved

Get Support

Focus Forward

  • Update your resume and get feedback from Career Services.
  • Make an appointment with your faculty mentor and plan your junior year.
  • Register for junior classes.
  • Plan for graduate school applications.