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To view entries prior to Dec. 13, 2022, please stop by the Public Safety office in Building D during business hours.

Case# Status Date Reported Time Reported Date/Time Occurred Location Description
2500074 Student Conduct Referral 03-02-2025 10:33 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Report of marijuana odor coming from a dormitory suite. Officer responded and located the odor. This case has been forwarded to Student Integrity.
2500073 Unfounded 02-28-2025 9:56 am - Building 1000, Student Housing Student reported the theft of a piece of property. Reporting officer investigated. This case has been Unfounded.
2500070 Inactive (Suspended) 02-26-2025 3:01 pm Building E, Student Center Dining Hall staff reported damage to the terrace eating area gate. The responding officer was informed the gate has been damaged for several days. There are no suspects. This case is closed, Inactive/Suspended.
2500069 Closed 02-26-2025 12:58 am - Other Report of damage to the Convocation Center exterior. It was determined a vendor caused the damage. This case is closed.
2500067 Closed 02-25-2025 4:55 pm Building W Report of damage to a vehicle windshield. There are no suspects. Review of campus surveillance footage was inconclusive. This case is closed, Inactive/Suspended.
2500065 Unfounded 02-23-2025 4:12 pm Building F parking lot Student reported one of the tires of their vehicle had been "slashed" while it was parked and unoccupied in the F-Building Parking Lot. This case was investigated. This case has been unfounded. Surveillance camera footage proved the damage did not occur on GGC campus.
2500064 Open 02-22-2025 2:56 pm - Building F, Wellness and Recreation Report of a trespassing person in the Wellness Center. This case is under investigation.
2500063 Open 02-22-2025 2:32 pm Building 1000 parking lot Student reported damage to her vehicle while it was parked and unoccupied in the 1000 Parking Lot. This case is under investigation.
2500062 Student Conduct Referral 02-21-2025 7:22 pm Building E, Student Center A disagreement between students was reported. No crime has been committed. This case is being forwarded to Student Integrity.
2500060 Open 02-18-2025 10:21 pm Building 1000, Student Housing Student reported being threatened by a known associate via text messaging. This case is under investigation.