EXACT Plan team seeking SBA and SOE faculty members

The EXperiential Learning and Critical Thinking (EXACT) Plan team is inviting applications for two Faculty Fellows to assist with the development of EXACT courses.
One position will be for a faculty member from the School of Business (SBA) and one position will be for a faculty member from the School of Education (SOE). Interested faculty members should submit a curriculum vitae with a letter detailing relevant experiences by 5 p.m. Friday, Jan. 24, 2025, to Karen Perell-Gerson, professor of exercise science and Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) director.
Position description
The school-specific EXACT plan Faculty Fellow will have primary responsibility for supporting faculty development for the EXACT plan. Their role will be to assist and support EXACT course coordinators and facilitate a community of practice for all faculty involved in EXACT courses from their specific school. Throughout the QEP’s lifespan, there will be one EXACT Faculty Fellow per school SBA and SOE in 2025. This position will report to the director of the EXACT plan.
Responsibilities and deliverables
- Working with the EXACT director to plan, implement and facilitate training for EXACT course coordinators during the summer boot camp (2 weeks in the summer).
- Assist EXACT course coordinators with development of an experiential learning activity menu during the summer boot camp.
- Assist EXACT course coordinators with the planning, implementation and facilitation of training all EXACT course section faculty for fall and spring semesters, and as needed for new faculty teaching the EXACT courses.
- Facilitate schoolwide EXACT community of practice workshops throughout the academic year for EXACT course coordinators to receive feedback regarding the further development of the menu of activities and assignments.
- Assist EXACT course coordinators with course level community of practice throughout the academic year for EXACT course faculty to receive feedback regarding the further development of the menu of activities and assignments.
- Assist EXACT course coordinators with EXACT course assessments and yearly reports.
- Champion and promote EXACT Scholars program within their school.
- Serve on the EXACT Assessment Committee with responsibility of rubric calibrations and scoring and EXACT Scholar application reviews.
- Encourage and assist EXACT course coordinators in submitting Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) presentations and publications to the EXACT library and professional conferences and journals.
- Assist the EXACT program with other opportunities as needed.
The school-specific EXACT Faculty Fellow must:
- Possess knowledge and experience of experiential learning and/or critical thinking.
- Possess knowledge and experience doing SoTL research.
- Possess excellent written and oral communication skills.
- Hold a flexible, positive mindset and be adaptable when faced with change.
- Be able to work effectively with various faculty, staff, student and administrative audiences.
- Demonstrate attention to detail.
- Have been a GGC faculty member for 4 years or more.
Length of appointment
This is a renewable one-year commitment for the length of the QEP (May 2024-May 2029).
- SBA and SOE Faculty Fellows will start May 2025.
Application and selection process
This position will be announced in Inside GGC, the college’s official newsletter, as a call for applications. Once the application period is over, interviews with the top candidates will be held with members of the EXACT plan. The Faculty Fellow will be selected by the hiring committee based on the candidates’ experience, qualifications and vision for the position.
Evaluation process
The Faculty Fellow will keep the EXACT director abreast of their plans, efforts, successes and roadblocks throughout the academic year through regular meetings.
The Faculty Fellow will submit a comprehensive report at the end of each academic year that the EXACT director will review and evaluate and share with the respective deans and EXACT Advisory Board. This report will include the status summary as specified in the responsibilities and deliverables:
- Summary of results for EXACT course participation.
- Summary of results for community of practice participation.
- Summary of results of EXACT library submissions.
- Summary of results for EXACT Scholars applications and certifications.
- Summary of research and publication opportunities related to EXACT course activities supported and promoted over the year.
- Critical reflection on the Faculty Fellow’s effectiveness within the position.
- Plans for improving efforts and outcomes for the following year.
The results of these evaluations will be presented to the provost each year at the beginning of the fall semester.