Submit nominations for GGC’s 2025 Annual Faculty and Staff Awards

It is time to nominate Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) faculty for one or more of six annual faculty awards and to nominate staff members for one of two staff awards. There is one staff award, and the top two nominees will be recognized.
If you know a faculty or staff member who deserves recognition for his or her excellence, submit your nomination through the appropriate link provided in the tables below by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 7. Award winners will be recognized at the fall awards ceremony.
Faculty and staff members are eligible to nominate faculty members for the following two awards:
- Outstanding Faculty Award – Scholarship and Creative Activities
- Outstanding Faculty Award – Service
Note that the other four faculty awards – Outstanding Faculty Teaching, Mentoring, Student Engagement, and Part-time Teaching – are nominated by students only and, therefore, the links are not included here.
Faculty and staff members are also eligible to nominate staff members for the following award:
- Outstanding Staff Member. There are two recipients for this award.
Faculty awards
The eligibility rules for the two faculty awards for which faculty can nominate follows:
- All nominees must be classified as full-time faculty at the rank of instructor, assistant, associate or full professor, or employed as a lecturer, senior lecturer or principal lecturer, for every award, except the Outstanding Part-time Faculty Teaching Award.
- All full-time faculty nominees must be actively teaching (not on sabbatical) for the year they receive a nomination.
- Faculty may not receive the same award in two consecutive years.
- Faculty who are members of the Annual Awards Committee are ineligible to nominate or receive awards during their term on the committee.
Refer to the document below for complete information about the faculty and staff awards:
Faculty awards for which faculty and staff can nominate:
Faculty award name | Link to the award nomination inform. Each award has it own link. |
Outstanding Faculty Award - Scholarship and Creative Activities | Scholarship and Creative Activities nomination form. |
Outstanding Faculty Award - Service | Service nomination form. |
Staff awards
Faculty and staff may nominate staff members for the awards listed in the table below. Students may also nominate staff members. Students will receive a separate email.
Note that faculty and staff members nominating staff members for awards must upload in the nomination portal a letter of support describing why the staff member deserves the award. These letters will be used to select the award winner. No other portfolio submission is required of the nominee.
The eligibility rules for the Outstanding Staff awards include:
- Staff members who serve below the director level or associate or assistant dean levels are eligible for nomination.
- Those staff members must be classified as full-time Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) staff members the year they are nominated.
- Employees of GGC and contract employees who work on the GGC campus for contractors are considered “staff” for purposes of this award.
- Staff who are members of the Annual Awards Committee are ineligible to nominate or receive awards during their term on the committee.
Staff may not receive the same award in two consecutive years.
Note that the nominator must submit in the nomination portal a letter of support for the Outstanding Staff nominee.
Staff award for which faculty and staff can nominate:
Staff Award | Link to the award nomination form |
Outstanding Staff Member | Outstanding Staff nomination form. |
If you have questions, contact the Annual Awards Committee chairperson, Dr. Eric Gresch, associate professor of management. The Annual Award Committee members for 2024-2025 include:
- Dr. Brian Bramstedt, assistant professor of psychology, School of Liberal Arts
- Dr. Hongsik Choi, professor of information technology, School of Science and Technology
- Pearline Doxie, education program specialist, School of Education
- Ashley Karamis, coordinator of Disability Services
- Vinavtee Kokil, senior lecturer of mathematics, School of Science and Technology
- Tia Llyod, director of Human Resources and employee engagement
- Dr. Christine Reilly, associate professor of literacy education, elementary education and Literacy department interim chair, School of Education