Open Records Request Confirmation
Thank you for your request submission. Legal Affairs is in receipt of your records request.
If have a transcript request, please contact the GGC Registrar.
GGC’s response to your request is subject to the Georgia Open Records Act. OCGA § 50-18-70, et seq. GGC does charge for time and resources used in responding to Open Records Requests. OCGA § 50-18-71(c)(1). If your request is estimated to cost more than $25, GGC will notify you in writing. OCGA § 50-18-71(d). You must agree to pay the charges, before the records will be provided. If your estimated costs will exceed $500, you must pay prior to receiving or viewing the records. OCGA § 50-18-71(d).
The Open Records Act also requires that certain information be redacted from records requested. OCGA § 50-18-72. Generally, GGC does not certify records requested under the Open Records Act.
If you have any questions, please email @email.