Student Career Services
Career Exploration / Readiness
Mastering Career Readiness Course
Career Services’ Mastering Career Readiness Course is optional (non-credit) and consists of four self-paced modules designed to equip GGC students with employability skills. As a currently enrolled student, you are automatically enrolled with access until you graduate.
Each module includes content related to your focused area of study and wraps up with activities that reinforce employability skills to support personal and professional achievement. Your learning will be assessed with short quizzes, and you’ll earn a certificate after completing all modules and assessments.
- Introduction
- Module 1: Explore
- Take the Focus 2 Career assessment.
- Complete ClawLink, powered by Handshake, profile.
- Module 2: Prepare
- Build a resume.
- Create a professional reference list with three references.
- Create a LinkedIn profile.
- Module 3: Apply
- Develop two goals on a goal-setting worksheet.
- Use Steppingblocks – Search360 to identify careers of interest and complete the employability skills worksheet.
- Module 4: Connect
- Take the TruMotivate assessment to identify your top five motivators to succeed.
- Conduct a mock interview, in person or via the Big Interview online platform.
- Module 5: Achieve
- Assess career competency proficiency based on the NACE career competencies for career readiness.
Completion of the Mastering Career Readiness Course and resulting certificate complement your career portfolio and add demonstrated skills to share with prospective employers, community service organizations and education-related organizations.
Mastering Career Readiness modules quick facts sheet for students (PDF)
Email @email with questions.
Career self assessment: Stepping Blocks
Receive a personalized career assessment, identify skills employers are looking for and explore career options by major with Stepping Blocks (login required), an online portal that provides career exploration based on 100+ million real career paths.
Career self assessment: TruMotivate
The TruMotivate experience is an assessment tool that is designed to bring motivation insight to students during their college experience. Using their own stories, students can evaluate their past successes and use this information to realize the interests that drive their career choices.
Job Search Process
A job search can be a large and intensive task filled with unknowns. Career Services provides a job search process with tips, tools and resources to aid your success.
Interviewing and Résumé Resources
Student Planning Tools
Academic Maps
Chart your four-year schedule of courses.
Mentoring Milestones
Engage in your college experience.
Program Plans
Track program requirements and progress.

GGC knows that internships add valuable experiences and enhance academic learning. That's why there are tons of opportunities. Learn more about internship types and options.

Graduate School
You're thinking about graduate school, and Career Services has some advice. Learn why graduate school is right for you.

ClawLink, powered by Handshake
Your match is here, so register with GGC's job database, ClawLink, powered by Handshake, to search and apply for jobs, experiential opportunities and more.