Professional Photo Booth
A professional photo gains attention when included in your LinkedIn and Handshake profiles. It’s also ideal for websites, portfolios, conference presentations and more.
The Career Services professional photo booth offers currently enrolled students an opportunity to obtain professional headshots. The booth is free, simple to use, takes about 15 minutes and is available during Career Services hours.
Plan for Success
- Determine which attire best suits the type of job or internship you’re interested in pursuing: business professional or business casual.
- Choose solid colors and darker neutral shades that translate best in photos.
- Pair patterned shirts or ties with a solid jacket or sweater.
- Accessorize thoughtfully to avoid drawing the focus away from your face.
- Find career-ready attire from GGC’s Lending Closet if you need additional options.
- Contact Career Services if you need to arrange accommodations.
Appropriate Use
The photo booth is reserved for currently enrolled students who wish to create professional headshots. Career Services has administrative access and periodically reviews all photos to ensure proper content. Inappropriate gestures, props or nudity are not allowed and may result in a referral to Student Integrity.
Group Reservations: RSOs and Faculty
Registered student organizations and clubs, and faculty may reserve photo booth sessions by contacting Career Services. Submit requests at least two weeks prior to your preferred date by emailing your name, contact information and preferred date/time to @email.