Georgia Gwinnett College raises more than $100,000 for Student Emergency Fund

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By Matthew Rodriguez

Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) surpassed its goal to raise over $100,000 for its Student Emergency Fund, which provides GGC students with food, gasoline, housing, rent and utilities.

Christine Rosen, GGC’s executive director of Individual Engagement, said even when there’s not a pandemic, emergency situations often arise that can threaten to derail a student’s education.

“That’s where the Student Emergency Fund comes in,” she said. “Some of the most common requests include shelter, groceries and transportation.”

The fundraiser attracted 384 donors, surpassing its 300-donor goal, which included faculty, staff, alumni, students as well as the GGC Foundation board of trustees (BOT) and GGC’s School of Business Board of Visitors (BOV).

“We have had an outpouring of contributions from the GGC board of trustees for the Student Emergency Fund,” said Bartow Morgan, Jr. BOT chair. “Assisting our students who need that hand up during this challenging time has been a special honor for the board to support.”

"The Student Emergency Fund is such a critical effort at Georgia Gwinnett College, and the support so far from our community, alumni, faculty, staff, students, families and friends has been remarkable, said Matt Cole, past chair of the BOT Development Committee

BOV Vice Chair Perry L. Taylor offered a generous donation from his company. Taylor then issued a challenge to other members of the board.

“If 100 percent of the Board of Visitors donated to the Student Emergency Fund, my wife and I would double our contribution,” Taylor said. He added, “There’s no doubt that it helps the community at large. One of the foundations American success is built on is education.”

Georgia-based community organizations also donated to the cause, including the Beacon Foundation Charitable Trust, the Greater Atlanta COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund and the Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia (CFNEG), whose donation in the final hours of the campaign allowed the college to surpass its goal.

“To see the variety of donor base for this fund reach across community members, GGC faculty, staff, board members and alumni is incredible,” said Randy Redner, president and CEO of the CFNEG. “The Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia is proud to have completed the GGC Student Emergency Fund campaign by providing a $10,000 grant from our COVID 19 Relief Fund. We are happy to partner with GGC and provide assistance to the future leaders of our community.”

Although the fundraising campaign has surpassed its goal, donations can still be made at any time.

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