Record summer enrollment at Georgia Gwinnett College
Summer. It’s a time that students look forward to every year. It’s a break from studies, a chance to sleep in and enjoy more time with their family and friends. For new and continuing students at Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC), it’s also an opportunity to reach their academic goals a little faster.
Summer enrollment at GGC is at a record high with a 10 percent increase over last summer in the number of students taking classes.
“Our students are more focused on the finish line,” said Dr. Michael Poll, vice president of enrollment management and institutional research at GGC. “We’ve done a good job promoting the advantages of summer school.”
“We take a personalized approach when working with students, whether they’ve expressed interest in our college or those who haven’t yet enrolled. We’ve found they appreciate knowing that we’re here for them throughout their academic journey,” he said.
Poll added that the most popular courses are first year English, biology and other general education courses.
“Our summer courses are only five weeks, which makes them more intense,” he said. “Students focus on one class at a time.”
The trend of growing enrollment at GGC continues to exceed national trends. The spring enrollment increased four percent, while the national average was 2.9 percent.
“All indications are that we’ll also be ahead of the curve for summer enrollment compared to national trends,” added Poll.
Summer classes at GGC started May 20 and continue through July 23.